What is


Two Forts are UNDER SIEGE – on a sports court.

The knights need to defend their Fortress – and attack the other.

One ball is the only weapon.


This unique concept of ball sports has been pantented at IP Australia as “Central Target Zone System”.

This innovative concept can be applied to many types of sports.

Here we present only three of them: Edgyball, PoolFort and DodgeFort

Inovation advantages

1. SAFETY – Introducing ZONES with not-to-cross border lines makes the game to be truely NON-CONTACT and SAFE.

2. OUT-OF-BOX –  Putting the targets in the CENTER of the fields and the opponent players outside the fields makes the game focused INWARDS and social – most players facing each other.

3. DYNAMICS –  Distance of players to the targets is much shorter than in other team sports and that makes the games to be very INTENSE. At the same time this reduces the need for empty running.

3. BALANCE – Introducing the ROTATION of players makes the game more balanced as it gives all players the chance to play all positions.

4. REWARDING – There is a lot of chances to score points and no special training is needed. Even not-so-fit players can play it.

5. ADAPTABILITY – Changing the distance between the targets (cones) can change the difficulty of the games. Also, number of players is not fixed and can be between 4 and 10 per team.

Our Mission

This new concept of sports is especially made for people who want ot be active, social and have fun rather than serious competition.

And of course it is perfectly suitable for serious competitions as well.

Our games are safe, fun, non-contact, non-exhausting and non-boring to watch. We want our games to be played everywhere…

Extraordinary Experiences

People that never played team sports can now play without worries of being slow or unfit or hurt.

No specific skills are required – anybody who can walk, can play.

Our Core Values

Siegeway concept (Central Target Zone System) enables the sports games to be:

If you would like to play our sports in your club, school or organisation you need to obtain a Licence from SiegeWay Team. Please contact us to discuss terms and conditions.